My Intention is to live a healthy, active lifestyle.

Thank you for your support.

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Orb

It’s the first day of November. I have another month to make things happen. I have a new toy -- The Orb. I purchased it to work on the kinks and tightness on my left side.

I love this thing! It is working out much better than the foam roller. I was looking on YouTube for some techniques to use with a tennis ball and stumbled upon this. I went on Ebay and order one. Ahhh! I’m planning to go back to the chiropractor in a few weeks. Hopefully with regular massage and adjustments I can gain greater flexibility.

I am not happy right now. After working really hard to stretch out and loosen up my tight glutes and hamstrings, I wake up this morning with a HUGE kink on the right side of my neck! It’s also raining like crazy. I was planning to run today. I was supposed to run yesterday. However, I had a massive headache. I still have it. We will see what the day brings. I may have to switch to a long walk or do weights and cardio in the gym. I have 27 days until my next 5K. I need to make the best of each day.

Speaking of making the best of each day, I have decided to join Mindful Peace Om in her 30 Days of Thank challenge. Over the years I have learned that expressing gratitude is a key part of wholeness. It's a great healthy habit to cultivate.

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