My Intention is to live a healthy, active lifestyle.

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Last Chance Workout!

Starting January 11th I will be participating in a 30-day Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout challenge. I have to admit I'm bit anxious about participating. I usually don't do well with videos. I find the pace in these things hard to maintain. I get discouraged and quit. The fact that I will be able to discuss the workout with others will probably help me get over this mental block.

I tried one of the workouts earlier today and I'm still feeling it. My shoulders and legs are a bit sore. I knew I was in trouble when I started sweating during the warm up. The HIIT (high intensity interval training) approach to the workouts reminds me of the workouts I've been doing with Kimberly for the past three weeks.

I like the fact that I can go from advance to beginning levels in the same work out. Some of the moves were a bit complicated for me. I know it's just a matter of getting used to them.

There's also a bonus download on the DVD. You get an entire playlist of upbeat workout music. I uploaded it onto one of my iPods. I plan to listen to it on the elliptical on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear more about this DVD and how you feel about it after a few workouts. Might be something to look into buying...
