My Intention is to live a healthy, active lifestyle.

Thank you for your support.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fitness Quote of the Week

There’s an important difference in giving up and letting go.
--Jessica Hatchigan

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Last Chance Workout!

Starting January 11th I will be participating in a 30-day Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout challenge. I have to admit I'm bit anxious about participating. I usually don't do well with videos. I find the pace in these things hard to maintain. I get discouraged and quit. The fact that I will be able to discuss the workout with others will probably help me get over this mental block.

I tried one of the workouts earlier today and I'm still feeling it. My shoulders and legs are a bit sore. I knew I was in trouble when I started sweating during the warm up. The HIIT (high intensity interval training) approach to the workouts reminds me of the workouts I've been doing with Kimberly for the past three weeks.

I like the fact that I can go from advance to beginning levels in the same work out. Some of the moves were a bit complicated for me. I know it's just a matter of getting used to them.

There's also a bonus download on the DVD. You get an entire playlist of upbeat workout music. I uploaded it onto one of my iPods. I plan to listen to it on the elliptical on Monday.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Fitness Quote of the Week

Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it. ~Tori Amos

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Countdown to Christmas - Week Nine

Hey there! It appears alL the snacking I did this week caught up with me. I gained a pound. I've been so lazy today. I haven't exercised or planned my meals for the week. I guess I need to get my butt in gear.

Kimberly is off for the next two weeks so I'm on my own. I'll be fine. I am not going to get discouraged. I was have to admit I was for a brief moment after stepping off the scale this morning. Okay, I've pouted for a couple of hours now it's time to keep moving forward.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

2009 Finish Line

As I head toward the 2009 Finish Line, I remember how I felt at the Starting Gate.

I was excited and scared. Most of all, I was determined and grateful. I still have this overwhelming sense of gratitude. I am so proud of myself for making it through this part of my journey. Despite the lows, tears, moments of self-doubt, discouraging comments, pain, and fatigue, I’m stronger and healthier. Due to all the highs, smiles, laughter, words of encouragement, and sweat, I’m stronger and healthier. 2010 is full of so many possibilities for me. I am looking forward to revisiting the Publix 5K and seeing how much progress I’ve made. I may even be able to run a little bit of the course. Did I just say I’m going to run? Lol!

I kept my promise to myself to work on my health. I’m so proud of myself. Although I didn’t reach my goal to be off medication completely, I was able to have some of the dosages reduced. I will continue working on this goal until it is accomplished.

I regret not taking photos throughout the year. This is going to be on my list of things to do each month in 2010.

When I started this blog, my intention was to conquer my fear of transparency and sweat, and train for a 5K. I can say I’m no longer afraid to sweat. I’ve completed a few 5Ks. I’m still working transparency. Going forward, my intention is to continue to train for various fitness events, overcome my fear of transparency, and uncover my authentic self.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The 12 Days of Fitness Challenge

I did it! Yesterday after my workout with Kimberly, my snowman received its 12th hole punch. I've completed my 12 workouts and earned my sweatshirt (I thought I was working towards a t-shirt.) The challenge ends on the 18th. I was under the impression I would accomplish my goal on Wednesday. Anyhow, I'm still going to push myself to go to the gym every day this week. Hopefully, I can get my camera to work so I can upload a picture of my sweatshirt.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Countdown to Christmas Challenge Update - Week Eight

No loss or gain to report this week. I still see this positively. I'm glad I haven't gained any weight over the holiday season. Without these challenges I probably would have lost focus by now.

We're having friends over for Christmas Eve. I'm still agonizing over the menu. I don't know why I have it in my head that "low calorie" and "light" means no flavor. Lol!

Fitness Quote of the Week

Failure is not the worst thing in the world, The very worst is not to try.

- Anonymous

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy Hanukkah!

I was reading a great article about Hanukkah on Although I am not Jewish, I am a student of all world religions and believe in worship God, Spirit, the Divine through many avenues. So, I’ve been lighting a candle each night and setting aside some time for reflection.

In this article, the Rabbi discusses how everyone is invited to celebrate how we can find light in the darkest times of our lives. As I read, I thought about my journey back to wholeness. My favorite part of the article was about making time to play. This is one area in my life I need to work on improving. I work too much!

I sent my friend Beth a musical dreidel that lights up for Hanukkah. As we grow old, I realize how we are beginning to send each other toys over the holidays. I guess we both realize how much we need to nurture our inner child. I remember a few months ago Crystal and I went to a healing circle. The leader told me she sensed I needed to take more time to play to release some energy.

As I think about my 2010 goals, I definitely need to include more play on my list.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Gains, Losses, and Phone Calls

This week my trainer announced it's time to take a different approach with my training. She feels I've done well building strength and now wants to take things to a different level. Instead of increasing weight, we're going to decrease the weight and increase the repetitions. The goal is to increase my endurance, help build muscle, and lose fat. Boy was it challenging! It's a different type of workout because I'm working my muscles to exhaustion.

I've been taking extra trips to the gym. I've increase my usual resistance on the treadmill. Today I was able to do 25 minutes nonstop. My goal is to do 30 minutes nonstop and then continue increasing the resistance.


I hopped on the scale at the gym on Wednesday. No additional weight loss. I was bummed for a minute but told myself it was better than a gain.

I get in the car and give myself a silent pep talk. While putting on my seatbelt, my phone rings. It's my brother. He rarely calls during the week. He called to thank me for inspiring him to start thinking about his health. He went to the doctor for a checkup. I had no idea -- he hasn't been to a doctor in over 20 years! Men. He's 43, married with four kids. Lately he's been thinking about how his poor health would impact his family. I guess the stuff going on with my sister and her husband really hit home. I thank God his tests results were within normal ranges. His blood sugar, cholestorel, and blood pressure were on the high side, but nothing a little exercise can't resolve. He said wants to lose 15 - 20 pounds. He'll be able to do. All he has to do is stop drinking beer. Lol!

Anyhow, his phone call came at the right time for me. Just when I'm feeling a little discouraged, I find another reason to keep moving forward.

I can't wait for my sister to call me and tell me she just walked around the block.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Fitness Quote of the Week

People say that losing weight is no walk in the park. When I hear that I think, yeah, that's the problem.

-Chris Adams

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Countdown to Christmas Challenge Update - Week 7

I'm happy to report I lost two pounds last week. Those extra trips to the gym really paid off. I've also been doing a great job, if I may so myself, with sticking to my plan to stop eating after 9 p.m. I believe these two things have contributed to the loss. In fact, after I have dinner, the kitchen is closed.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

There are days I don't even recognize myself or all this for a lousy t-shirt

Today was a first for me. Since I joined the gym in August, I've been telling myself, 'I'm going to get up and go to the gym before I start working.' Well, today was that day.

One of the main reasons I finally got my butt out of bed is because I'm working on the 12 Days of Christmas Challenge at the gym. Yesterday I found out I have until December 18th to get in all my workouts. I need to get in another nine workouts to earn my t-shirt.

I'm thinking about going back after work and getting in another workout. Who is this person?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Eating My Emotions

I’ve had a renewed interest in The Biggest Loser lately. Last night while watching the show, Rudy’s words really hit home: My sister's battle with cancer started my battle with weight... food isn't going to solve my problems, it's not the answer to my emotions. This really hit like a ton of bricks. The force was so great that I didn’t sleep well last night. When I woke up this morning, I felt like crying.

I know my mother’s battle with cancer and transition has a lot to do with my health spiraling out of control.

It rears its ugly little head – the hidden curriculum -- I learned to understand it so well during seminary-- the lesson behind the lesson. I need to admit that I am an emotional eater. For whatever reason, I do not want to admit this. To admit this means I have to deal with certain aspects of my life that I choose to ignore. If I want to be healthy, let me rephrase this, in order to be truly healthy and whole, I must stop being in denial about my emotional self. I need to practice what I preach! So, here goes:

I can almost pinpoint the time I began stuffing my emotions. Until age 12 I was a normal weight. Then, things began to change. Adolescence was very rough for me. It was rough for a number of reasons:

Reason Number 1 - I was the oldest. I resented being the oldest when I was a child. I hated the pressure. My parents drilled it into my head that I was the oldest and had to set an example for my brothers and sister. I had to be responsible, do well in school, and be the obedient kid because I was the oldest. If my brothers did something wrong, I was also in trouble. Why? Because I was the oldest and should have been watching them. I hated being a second mother and wife!

My mother went back to school when I was 13. Guess what? I was responsible for making dinner on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For the most part, I loved it. This is where I developed my love for cooking. Then, I started resenting it because it was expected. Sometimes I wanted to come home from school and be a teenager. Then, my Dad decides he wants to study for his GED. Here I am 13 years old helping my Dad with his homework!

I will give my parents some credit. I was allowed to express my displeasure. I was allowed to say I didn’t think it was fair. It really didn’t change much. I would get the ‘you’re the oldest,’ ‘you need to help your family,’ or ‘your mother is depending on you,’ speech from my Dad.

So what did I do? I cooked and I ate. I couldn’t stay after school with my friends because I had to go home and make dinner. As long as I had to cook dinner, I might as well bake a cake for dessert. If I had to watch my brothers and make sure they did their homework, I might as well bake some cookies for a snack. After I wash the dishes, I can reward myself with a treat. I’ll just grab a handful of cookies to eat while I fold these clothes.

Well, that’s it for now. I’ll have to deal with number two at a later date.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December is MY month!

Today’s post is inspired by Healthy Loser Gal.

She’s determined to make December her month. Well, she has some competition. I’m determined to make December MY month! I started this blog in January to help myself stay focused on my Couch to 5K goal. I’m proud of my accomplishment. I learned so much about myself. I also met so many wonderful people this past year. There are so many amazing people who have made my walk inspiring and bearable. Blessings to you all!

I’m ending this year with the following mantra. To paraphrase the scriptures:

The race isn’t given to the swift or the strong but to she who endures to the end.

I’m glad I didn’t give up. I thank God I didn’t give up. I say this with the awareness that it wasn’t all me. As my mother would say, if you take one step, He’ll take two. I know I was carried along the way every now and then. Lol!

It wasn’t easy taking time for me. There were times I felt guilty, even selfish. I always feel compelled to give to others, to take care of others, to help, to serve. Truthfully, I enjoy doing it. It brings me great job to give to others. It’s my calling. I have learned that there has to be balance.

Countdown to Christmas Challenge

I am determined to lose some weight on this challenge. Lol! I’m making an effort to increase my activity and drink more water. I really do not think I can do more with food. With the medication I take, I have to make sure I eat enough or I won’t have the energy to exercise. I have been making sure I have more salads as meals to reduce calories. Move, scale, move!

Celebrate Weight Loss Forum Community

I recently joined this forum. It’s great. Normally I would just lurk on places like this. For whatever reason, I decided to step of my comfort zone and participate. It’s proving to be another good avenue to help me stay accountable.

12 Days of Christmas

Yesterday I joined the gym’s 12 Days of Christmas challenge. All you have to do is work out at least 12 days during the month of December to earn a gym t-shirt or sweat shirt. I’ll also earn points toward credit on my health care plan.

Well, here’s to great month. Cheers!