I just returned from a tour of LA Fitness. I feel a little uneasy and intimidated going
to such a large and open gym but I can get a really good discount through work
and it has a pool. So I shared a little
bit of my story with the guy who was giving me the tour. He was really cool. He then shared with me that 1.5 years ago he
lost 120 pounds and now he’s managing a gym. He is working on losing the last
20. He advised me to focus on weights
and take the spin and aqua fit classes.
I am so very grateful that Spirit continues to place in my path so many
loving, supporting people.
So, tomorrow I will be doing my first workout at my new gym!
Also, while I was there he checked my body fat – 44.30 and
my BMI is 39.4. Yuck! I'm looking forward to seeing how much I improve those numbers. What was really
surprising is that according to his chart I need to lost 47 pounds. This is exactly the amount I on my weight loss ticker. I’m not sure if how I chose my
goal weight but I’m right on track. I’m
really excited to get started!