I wasn't too sure about this race. I signed up to do it solo. After picking up my bib, I was filled with so much self-doubt.
I acknowledged my fear and gathered my things. I spent a quiet evening home alone watching a movie and trying to calm my nerves.
My training hasn't been the best for the past three weeks. Headaches and fatigue. Now, this stomach ailment. At any rate, I was determined to show up and try.
Well, it wasn't as bad as I thought. My worst fear, being the last one across the finish line, did not come true. What I continue to find is a bunch of encouraging people who are willing to give you a high five, thumbs up, and encouraging words.
I ran the first mile. I took two walk breaks during the second mile. The third mile was rough. My run/walk ratio was probably 50/50. More than anything, I kept telling myself to run my own race and stop worrying about being at the back of the pack. I need to embrace and accept that I am a back of the pack runner.
As long as I finish in under an hour, I'm fine. I am out there doing something I never thought I could do -- running! So what if I'm slow! I did it and I am very proud of myself.
As I just tweeted, it doesn't escape me that in about a month I will be doing TWICE the distance. I will be ready. I need to stay healthy and injury-free.
I also decided to do another month of my plant-based challenge. I also think I need to stay away from eating out. Going home soon and my cousin, who is always so supportive, has already found some vegan restaurants for me to try.
2 years ago